Friday, March 20, 2015

Earring Piercing Experience

So its been about 3 months since I got my earrings pierced. I have had my ears pierced before years ago but they became infected. The first time I had gotten them pierced at Piercing Pagoda, a kiosk in my mall. It went really well. I remember having to wear band-aids over them when they were still new 'cause I played soccer when I was younger. I must not have taken care of them well and I either changed them too early or I wore cheap earrings from Claire's; probably both. When they became infected I tried to heal them but gave up and let them close. Later I had them re-pierced at Claire's this time when we were on vacation. They really just poked a needle through it since my ear piercings never closed up. The same thing happened: Didn't take care of them well, got infected, and gave up. Last year I got them pierced at Piercing Pagoda in December, for a Christmas present, because I had the urge to get them pierced again. People at my school were wearing cool ones, and I wanted to wear them again. I got them done at the same time in the same hole. The hole had scared and the people were able to place the earring in the same hole. It didn't really hurt at all: a 1 on a scale of 10. I was nervous but luckily my friend was with me to comfort me. You should never be alone when getting a piercing. Even if the friend isn't getting one, you know they'll be there to calm and support your decision. 
I had to clean them every morning and night. I used alcohol but later I learned that sea salt works best. Alcohol dries out and irritates your piercing. Though sea salt may sting your piercing when it's first healing, it will better help it heal. (Resource from +BreeAnn Barbie )) 
I have to be more aware and careful of what I wear in my ear lobes. My skin is sensitive (get terrible dry skin in the winter) so I can only wear metals such as surgical steel, gold, sterling silver, and titanium. I was pierced with titanium. I now know that I should not buy earrings from Claire's or get my ears pierced there. I also must be careful to look at what the earrings are made of when I buy them online or in stores.
My birthday is coming up and I hope I get new earrings! SO far I only have two pair: the black titanium studs I was pierced with and these small sterling hoops with tiny beads that my Aunt bought me when we were in Florida. They were a great deal!