Thursday, July 30, 2015

New Cartilage Piercing!

Yesterday I got my cartilage done. All week I was excited and nervous! I already knew where I wanted it on my ear. Before I got it done, I was very nervous because I didn't know if it would hurt a lot or not. My mom was there to be my comforter while I was getting pierced. I was pierced with a needle, not a gun. The guns can shatter your ear and lengthen the healing process, which is typically 6-8 months. It can go longer though. It depends on how well you care for it and your body. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought. On a scale of 1-10, it was a 2. It didn't really hurt at all despite my ear bleeding a little. While the jewelry was put in, it hurt a little. Other than that, it was fine. My whole left ear was red though as my friend and I hung out together at the mall. It hurt bad. It felt hot and was throbbing. Eventually it felt better. 
Last night I had cleaned it with H2Ocean. I had some left over when I had gotten my 2nd row on my lobes pierced. It was tender as I cleaned it. It bleed a little too. I didn't twist the piercing because the piercer had told me not to because it can lengthen the healing time, plus it hurts Iikr hell. Q-tips work great for cleaning it! Really gets in the hard places that a cotton ball can't. 
At night, I couldn't sleep on that side at all. It hurt too much. As a result, I had to sleep on my other side, which was uncomfortable. It hurt a lot all night and I didn't get much sleep. I was tossing and turning. I know that the next couple days will be rough during cleaning it and sleeping, but it was all worth it. I hope that it heals quickly and efficiently so that I will be able to change it to a new one. But for now, it must stay in until it's fully healed, which will seem like forever for me! 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Animal Crossing New Leaf

Over the past year, I have been playing a game that I am just addicted to. It's fun, enjoyable, and does have some challenging parts to it. It is Animal Crossing. When I was younger, our family had the GameCube version of it. I would be playing it for hours, having fun by talking to the animals, riding the train, completing tasks, etc. in this new game you can do even more! I can finally go to the new and improved island, visit other people's towns, and unlock even more items! I love every bit of it. You can also create paths in your town and use the qr code scanner to scan codes! It is a great nostalgic game to have and go back to.