Sunday, January 31, 2016

Movie Review: My Neighbor Totoro

MOVIE REVIEW: My Neighbor Totoro 

I am a huge fan of anime and manga. When I was in my favorite store, Hot Topic, I kept seeing "My Neighbor Totoro". I Really wanted to see it and I finally got to watch it!
It was amazingly cute and adorable, with a little bit of sadness. It made me laugh and awed at the cute parts. It cheered me up and made me feel happy.
My favorite part was the one when Suzuki gave Totoro the umbrella at the bus stop because all he was using was a leaf for protection against the rain. His big cheesy grin was adorable as well.
My other favorite part was the cat bus. It was so creative. At first, when I saw it, I thought this would be a "trippy" movie, similar to Alice in Wonderland. In a way, it was. At least Japan's version.
It was both creative and a fun loving story. It is a movie for any anime lover and will cheer you up almost instantly.
I wish Totoro was my neighbor.

My overall star rating for this movie is 5 out of 5! It is great for all ages!