Sunday, July 13, 2014

Here's What's Up!

Hello everyone! It's been a while and I miss all y'all!!!! I've been busy with all my roleplays online, my many fandoms, introduced to a new (favorite)band, and got into a new tv show! First off, the band that is my favorite is called the Black Veil Brides!!! (If you hate them then get off this blog. It's not for you and I will delete your hate comments.) I love they're music!!!! This includes "Perfect Weapon", "In The End", "Rebel Love Song", and "Fallen Angels". < Those are my favorite songs. I hope I can go to one of their concerts and see Andy! 

Cover photoI also have been busy with my roleplay or RP for short. I do it because it sparks creativity and makes me feel good. Its really fun!!!! I love it!!! (GO onto G+ to see my roleplay character. Her name is Dark Angel.) 

The new show I've gotten into is called Supernatural!! I'm still in season 1 but am hooked to it!!! I can't wait to watch more!!

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