Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Introducing my hermit crabs!!!

These are my hermit crabs! Currently I have 4. They are Feelix, Charlotte, Mitchell, and Google. Charlotte and Google are girls and Feelix and Mitchell are guys.
 This is Google. I adopted her online. I got her on June 1st, 2012 in the mail all the way from Texas. Wow! She came in a package withe wet newspapers and shells. (The person I bought her from gave them to me because i didn't have small enough shells for her to fit in. She is about the size of a penny! At first she was very shy and didn't want to come out of her shell but as she became acclimated to her new home, she was more social with my other hermit crabs. The shell she is wearing is this picture (she is still wearing it to this day) was not the original shell she came in. It was a black murex. The funny thing about the shell she's wearing now is that it was Feelix's original she he came in. Google is a cute and curious hermit crab.

Feelix is the one in the bowl with the greenish yellow shell. He is eating with Google. Let me start off by saying Feelix is my little Houdini. That is because he has escaped at least 2 times from the tank. It scares me to pieces when he does that. One time he ended up crawling into my mom's bed. Yikes! I then took Feelix back from my mom and put him in the tank. I don't know how he does it but he's good. Anyway, I got Feelix, along with Mitchell, at PetSmart. Feelix and Mitchell instantly loved each other. They still do. Just the other night they were giving each other piggy back rides. It was so funny and cute at the same time. He also loves to climb the lid of the tank. I both got Feelix and Mitchell January 1, 2011. They are the oldest hermit crabs I've had. 

This is Mitchell. I got him, along with Feeix, at PetSmart January 1, 2011. He is calm and friendly. He likes running after Feelix. I know that he and Feelix have been best friends since I got them together. He loves climbing and hiding in the fake leaves. The other night Mitchell fell in both the Salt water dish and the Freshwater dish. Poor Mitchell! He didn't see it coming. :P

This is Charlotte. I got her at PetSmart April 11, 2011. When I first got her, she had red bright eyes. They are still red but not as vibrant. Funny story. At first i thought she was a he so I called her Charlie. Then after I realized Charlotte was a girl I changed her name to, well, Charlotte. It took some time to get used to. Eventually I did get it accustomed to her "new" name.

These are all my beloved hermit crabs. I love them very much!!! They can be funny, cute, and even chirp.

Chirping sounds like this: 

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