Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pokemon Y

So tonight I went Mega Stone hunting! 
I fount the mega stones for Banette,Garchomp, 

 Kangaskan, and another one. That one was the Mewtwoite Y. Before I actually received it I battled Mewtwo. It was an EPIC battle! I started off with my Gogoat Billy. I kept using Horn Leech and then Aerial Ace. Then I threw an Ultra Ball.It didn't shake once.  That wasn't enough to lower Mewtwo's HP to the red. Only lowered it to the yellow but then Mewtwo used its famous Recover. I took back Gogoat and used Tyrannitar instead. I hit it with a Giga Impact, which only lowered its HP to the yellow. I then selected Crunch but Mewtwo knocked him out. I then sent out Lapras. I used an Ice Beam, trying to freeze it. It attacked Lapras, almost knocking it out. I used another Ice Beam on Mewtwo. Mewtwo's HP was in the yellow zone again. Then Mewtwo knocked out Lapras. :(  I finally brought out Lucario. I used Extreme Speed twice, leaving Mewtwo's HP in the red zone. Mewtwo knocked out Lucario with its Aura Sphere. I took out Charizard and threw my second pokeball, a Dusk ball,

and I caught it!!! I was so surprised!

Mewtwoite Trade Offer
I am willing to trade my Mewtwoite Y for a Mewtwoite X

Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y

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