Sunday, February 19, 2017

UPDATED Tattoo WIshlist!

Hey guys! So here is an update on which tattoos I'd love to have. Some of them are new and some of them are the same ones in my other list. Some I do not want anymore.
In my opinion, having too many tattoos can cause illness since it isn't natural to have ink in your body. I'm not saying that people can't have their skin covered in tattoos. tbh, the greatest tattoos have to be big enough to not take away detail over time. Getting tattoos also delivers trauma to your skin. It heals over time, with the proper care and knowledge.
I already have my first tattoo, a phoenixx, though it wasn't on my first list. It wasn't a random thought to get either. I thought about it and thought about it, a meaning behind getting it done and how beautiful it would be. I will not add a pic of it here since its not healed or has colors yet. It also needs some touch-ups. I still love it, no matter what, because I will look back on it and remember how I finally was able to get it.

1. Semicolon

The next tattoo I would like to get is the semicolon tattoo on one of my wrists. The meaning behind it is quite serious. 

According to, The Semicolon Project, as that is what it's called, is a group
Yes, this means that I have, and still am, struggling with the agony of depression and a recovering self-harm person.
The tattoo means that you were able to proceed through life, able to recover from depression, as well as self-harm, and live a happy life again. in writing, the semicolon means an addition to a sentence, which connects a similar idea to the first sentence. In this context, the semicolon means that your life didn't end, period, and you were able to move on and recover from the pain and agony depression really is.
This tattoo would mean so much to me as well, given that receiving it will give me the satisfaction of having gotten through the hardest parts of my depression and I was able to dig out of the rut and finally see the sunlight again!

2. Reincarnate
This is the second tattoo I would like. I'm not a huge fan of "word" tattoos, but this one I'll make an exception. 
Reincarnation is something I believe in and will always believe in. I always fall back to it, if something bad happens in someone's life and a loved one becomes deceased. I know that death is sad and a sore subject, its sad no matter what, but the way I think of it is that people (or animals) always have a second chance of life. How good of a person they are and what karma they held leads to how they will be reincarnated.
 "Reincarnate" is also my favorite song by Motionless In White. I love the song itself as well as their font from their "Reincarnate" album. That is what I would get it in; just a solid black (or even dark red) color, up one of my legs.

3. Wolf
Another tattoo I would really love to get is a wolf tattoo. Now I know this picture cannot be used since it is off of deviantart and it is someone's art, so it is just for reference. My friend also inputted on the design as well.

I'm getting it done in black, wrapping around my ankle, looking to be in a running position. This tattoo is more of a "I want", than having a meaning behind it.
If I end up unable to have it around my ankle, I may just have it done in a different spot.

4. heartbeat
This is the final tattoo I would like to get, though I know that they can be quite addicting!
It's a simple lifeline tattoo, specifically across my wrist for me, but with a little twist. It will have an upside down treble clef in the middle as well as a bass clef. In my opinion, it looks REALLY cool and is a good first starter for any music enthusiast or someone who simply just loves music.

These are all the tattoos I hope to get! I hope you guys like some of them! If not, that's fine. You are entitled to your own opinions!

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